Iceberg Defence

Heh, you stumbled across something cool!

A greedy penguin called "Eggu" wants to hoard all his hard-earned fish for himself. But alas, his stockpile has attracted a hoard of hungry seals. Defend your iceberg from the incoming seals to protect your fish.

SPACEBAR: shoot snowballs
LEFT ARROW KEY: move left
RIGHT ARROW KEY: move right

- LEVELS: there are 5 levels total
- MAX CAPACITY: your iceberg can only hold 5 additional seals before it sinks

All assets are from Scratch unless otherwise noted below:
Artwork: EGGUINO (2020)

==============BUGS & ISSUES==============
SNOWBALLS: Yes, I am aware that the snowballs do not work sometimes and that you can shoot them between levels. However, this is just a demo.

SFX: Originally, there were sound effects for shooting snowballs and seals landing; however, they lagged the game.